Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Active day

Hey y'all.

So yesterday was a good day. We met our landlord who was super friendly, albeit extremely chatty - I didn't think we'd ever get away. Phew. She seems a tad OCD, and she took us through the whole apartment, showing us every single piece of furniture, lighting fixture, armoire, etc. It was called an "État des lieux", a paper that details the state of the apartment, although I assume she went into much more detail than most landlords. The apartment is beautiful though. It's part of a house built in the 1870s! Super neat, and a lot of the furniture is really old.

Emily and I decided who's going to be in which room. I picked the smaller room on the street and she has the one facing the courtyard. As soon as the wire goes through, we'll get our keys. Just waiting on that. Hopefully that'll happen tomorrow at the latest. Emily's mom left yesterday, so she's crashing at Sarah's with me. Sarah's so great and accommodating, I really think we'll be good friends.

Also, for the record, it is COLD here. Yesterday was really windy and rainy and I just about froze. Eek. This quick café was much needed.

 So this morning, I got up and went for my first run in Lille! I got lost, but fortunately carried a map with me. I was eventually able to get over to La Citadelle which is the remains of an old fortification of the city. It's really neat and there were a ton of runners and walkers out at 8am, so that was comforting. My watch froze so I don't know the distance. I'll get it working asap. Hopefully that'll be my new running spot.

There's a half marathon in Brussels on October 7 that I'm DYING to go run - 14 euro train ticket one way! I don't have anywhere to stay, so if you know if anyone living in Brussels, please please please let me know. I want to knock that one off of my bucket list - international half marathon, which is right before international marathon.

Sarah invited me to go supervise the kayaking club at school today. There's a canal next to the school and apparently the club goes kayaking out there every Tuesday. This will for sure be an adventure. I'm currently googling kayaking vocabulary. Oh boy.


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