Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Bad day turned good

Hey y'all,

So yesterday morning was ROUGH. First of all, I was super exhausted. Unsure why. Anyways, Friday is the last day of classes before the two week break. I for one am ECSTATIC. Unfortunately, the students are as well. Yesterday at my first school, the students were insupportables. They wouldn't stop talking, complaining, and moving around.

Here's the trifecta of the morning.

1. I caught one child on the verge of throwing a paper airplane at me. Do not worry, though. I immediately confiscated it and threw that junk away. Plus, it was such a poorly constructed paper airplane. He could've done much better. But that's beside the point.

2. I dropped all my papers and materials all over the floor. Winning at life, clearly.

3. A 6 year old corrected my French. OUCH.

Anyways, so comme d'hab, I went home for lunch. I was dreading going back to school, but you've gotta do what you've gotta do. So I went to my other school and my first class was with the equivalent of 1st grade in the US. The kids were coming in while I was getting all my materials together, and one of my favorite students came up to me, handed me this, and said "This is for you."

What is it, you might ask? I honestly haven't the slightest clue. Something with red, white and blue designs and pieces cut out of it. However, thank ya jesus for this little kid, because my day turned around immediately. First craft I've received from a student, and I loved it. Day made.


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