Sunday, February 3, 2013

Belgian beer me.

Hey y'all,

So this weekend has been pretty great. Yesterday, Emily and I took a trip to a beer festival in Bruges. As we told some people we were chatting up while in line, someone said beer and we came running.

I had never been to Bruges and it really was a neat town. Very cute and quaint. My parents and I are going there when they come across the pond, so I'm looking forward to going back.

Anyways, the beer festival was magnifique. Tons of beer, people, and just an all around fun time. The bus ride was less than an hour so that was nice. This was with the same travel company that we went with to see the Christmas markets in Cologne, Germany.

We tried all different kinds of beers. My favorite one was called Malheur which in French means 'unhappiness'. A downer, but delicious.

Here are a few pictures.

The beer festival was in the belfry, which was really neat. It's a beautiful building in the center of the town. I was glad that it was inside because it rained on and off throughout the day.

Before the beerfest, we went and visited this church. Just a quick run through.

This joker was just chilling in the church.

We got cool glasses with our entrance into the beer festival. Will treasure it forever.

Tonight I think we're going to a bar to watch AT MOST the first half of the Super Bowl. It will be starting in France at about 12:30. Chouette. Emily doesn't have to work tomorrow, but I do. womp womp womp.


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