Saturday, March 9, 2013

lo siento

Hey y'all,

Lo siento for taking such a long time to update my blog. I honestly have no reason as to why I didn't do it. However, once I received this scathing text from my dear brother (albeit 5 days ago), I realized I needed to get it done.

Anyways, Barcelona was legit. It was my first trip to Spain and it was really cool. I even gave two people directions en español. Holla.

We had quite an eventful trip to the Brussels airport. We took the 35 min train to the Brussels train station, then caught another train to the airport. We were flying with Ryanair and we walked around the whole airport 2 times and we couldn't find the Ryanair desk. Odd. Someone saw us standing there looking real confused and asked if they could help. We told them we were looking for Ryanair and he said "uh-oh. you're at the wrong airport. Ryanair flies out of Brussels SOUTH airport." OH GOODNESS. An hour cab ride and 180 euros later...we arrived at the correct airport. Didn't budget for that one, but alas, c'est la vie.

The weather in Barcelona was really nice - mid 50s and ZERO rain. Hallelujah.

This is me and Emily our first day in Barcelona. Normal. We're standing in front of an art museum.

This is the view from the top of the stairs that lead up to the museum.  Oh heyyyy. 

Muchos pictures. 

Barcelona is a really pretty city with tons of palm trees. Most of them were imported from Hawaii for the Olympic games about 20 years ago. Wild.

Here's the port

We went to a really neat market that's supposedly pretty famous. I thought the eggs were pretty cool all stacked up.

We did a LOT of eating in Barcelona. My favorite was paella. Fortunately, they make vegetarian paella and it was actually delicious. Slurp slurp slurp. 

Anyways, my little sister Brittany is here this week and we're having a blast. Will update again soon.


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