Monday, March 25, 2013

My life is extremely comical...

but I'm really happy with it right now.

hey y'all,

So here are a few updates on things going on in Lilleville.

1. So my best friend/little sister Bmoney Coley came to visit me two weeks ago and it was a lot of fun. There was a tad hiccup in the whole week in that there was a snowpocalypse and Brittany got stuck on a bus to Paris (that normally takes 3 hours) for 27 hours. The Croix Rouge came in the middle of the night and gave the people water, food and blankets. NBD. Nonetheless, she had a good time and it was a ton of fun to have her here. I was supposed to meet her in Paris, but Lille (and about 50% of France) was shut down, so needless to say, my train was cancelled. Fortunately later in the week we were able to make it to Brussels to do some sightseeing. Loved itttttt.

Match made in Phi Mu heaven. 

Grand Place in Brussels

Bmoney at our last dinner together. Drinking a beer called "Campus". Such scholars.

2. All I'm saying is that it was only like 6 inches. 6 inches. You know what the French call people who can't handle 6 inches of snow? Les incompétents.

Here's a picture of the kiddies in the courtyard before school started on one of those snowy days. 

3. One of the teachers I work with is over 6 feet tall. Last Monday, a student randomly raised his hand and said "Maîtresse (teacher), did you know that Sarah is so much shorter than you? Will she ever be as tall as you?" 

My life. A comedy. 

4. 13 days until the Paris Marathon! Stephen and Boots arrive in Brussels tomorrow and then get to Lille on Thursday. My parents come next Wednesday, I think, and then the race is the next Sunday. Holla. 

5. I've skyped with David, Lindsey, and CC a lot recently. Again, so comedic. CC is a nut! But she sure is one fun nut. 

Love it.


Baby David is growing up.

I decided today that DA needed some European swag, so these puppies will be heading y'all's way soon. Get hype.

6. On an exciting note, I'm currently deciding between two grad schools next year. I'll let y'all know when I decide. 

7. On an even more exciting note, Carolina lost in the NCAA tourney last night. Even all the way over here in France, I could hear the hallelujah chorus. 

8. I just got back from Poland. I'll tell more in my next post.

9. My mom sent me this picture of Deacon last week.  Look at that regal pooch. Everyone's always like "yeah, my dog is the best", but all I can say is that is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. They don't get much better than this little nugget. 


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