Sunday, November 4, 2012

Venice of the North

Hey y'all,

I got back a couple hours ago from my trip to Amsterdam and am so glad to be back and to sleep in my bed. That being said, I can't lie - I ADORED Amsterdam. I'd heard that it was a cool place,  but never really had any interest in going until my friend Jenn suggested we go. Oh my goodness am I glad she suggested that. Amsterdam is amazing. It's gorgeous, the people are super friendly, and even though it's a large, touristy city, it's super manageable. It's nicknamed the Venice of the North, as it's built around tons and tons of canals. I am almost embarrassed by the number of canal pictures I took. A ton.

Like, really. How beautiful is that? 

We got to Amsterdam around 10pm and met up with Jenn's friend from home who's studying at the University of Amsterdam for the semester. She showed us around a little bit, and then took us back to her dorm. We slept on the floor, but it was fine by me because it was free lodging. Honestly, next to free food, free lodging is my favorite. We got up on Friday and Lisa had class, so Jenn and I decided to go to the Anne Frank house, which was about a 5 minute walk from the dorm. We got there around 11:30 and had to wait in line for over 2 hours to get in. Fortunately we had a pass that got us in for free, otherwise we might have ditched the line. It was SO SO cold. I think what made it so bad was that we were just standing there and not moving. My fingers and toes went numb. It was rough, but we eventually made it inside. The tour took about 30 minutes, and it was really neat. I think I'm one of the few people who has never read the Diary of Anne Frank, so I'm going to have to  check that out. I bet the library has it here. Although it might be in french. Strugs. 

After finishing up the tour around 2pm, we went and grabbed sandwiches and met up with Lisa. After that, we had the brilliant idea to go to - wait for it - the Heineken Brewery Experience. It was a pain to get there on the trams and whatnot, but I'm so glad we went. It reminded me a lot of the World of Coke in Atlanta, but obviously with beer instead. It was definitely an enjoyable experience. 

What a vat. 

There was even a 4D ride which did a simulation of a beer being made and bottled - lots of water thrown on our faces. It was actually thrilling. We then went to the tasting room (OBVI my favorite part), in which we all stood around and all had to yell Proost which is cheers in Dutch. Then after that, there were a few more interactive things to do and then we were given a couple more free beers. Like I said, very fun. 

Jenn loved it too. 

Saturday consisted of going to a massive market about a 15 minute ferry ride away. I bought a jacket and a skirt for 7.50 euros total. I loved it and wore my jacket the rest of the trip. 

Then Jenn and I wandered around some, just exploring the city. We eventually made our way to the Red Light District. Come on, when in Amsterdam. I really wanted to see it and I'm glad we went. We made sure to go during the day, as we imagined it'd be a little creepy and unsettling at night.  Not that it was much better during the day. I guess I can just describe it as a cultural experience. It's on one of the canals, so it's actually a really pretty long as you keep your eyes straight ahead and don't check out the windows to your left and right. YOLO.

We also visited a cheese museum. Again, when in Amsterdam. There were tons of cheese samples, and I was in heaven. 
Yes. This place actually exists. 

Saturday night consisted of going to a thing called Museumnacht. Starting at 9pm, all of the museums opened up, and were open until 3 am. We crashed at about midnight, but it was a fun thing to do. We made it to about 7 museums, so we definitely got our money's worth. 

Jenn had to catch an early train from Amsterdam back to Germany, and I didn't have to catch my bus until 1:30, so I got up and walked around some more. I was looking for the famous "I Amsterdam" letters, which was apparently a mile from where Lisa lived. So I packed up all of my stuff into my little rolling suitcase and set out. Unfortunately,  I took a right out of her building instead of a left. Honestly,  what a strug. I walked for about 2 miles and then realized things just weren't looking right. So I called Lisa, got straight, and turned around. I bet it was a hoot seeing me walking around on those cobblestone streets while dragging that suitcase. Sometimes I feel like I really blend in with the locals. Today was not one of those days. I clearly did not know what I was doing. Oh well. Can't win 'em all. 

I guess you could say I partially won though - a draw, let's say - because I found the letters! It was pretty neat, but it would've been cooler if I hadn't been alone. But don't cry for me, Amsterdam. I still enjoyed the visit. 

Here are a few more pictures from the trip. 

I'm not positive, but I think this picture was taken on the Red Light District canal. So there's that. 

Check out all those bikes. So many people bike in Amsterdam. It's pretty insane. They're super aggressive and so that was one more thing to watch out for. I'm normally used to watching out for cars speeding by me, but here I had to watch out for cars AND bikes. It was a tad intimidating. We considered renting bikes, but decided against it. 

Y'all know I wasn't going to leave Amsterdam without having an Amstel. 

I'd like to go back. Right now. 

So I spent about 13 hours roundtrip on a bus in order to get to and from Amsterdam. So worth it - 57 euro roundtrip! That's actually incredible, and over 200 euro cheaper than it would've been on a train. After those 13 hours, I can safely say that I know every word to every song on Taylor Swift's new album Red. Don't judge me. I regret nothing. 

Amsterdam was seriously great. Emily and I are already making plans to go back in the spring. I still have a week off of work, so I'll be camping out in the bibliothèque working on grad school applications! 


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