Thursday, November 15, 2012

X-rays, squirrels, and ferris wheels

hey y'all,

I'm SO sorry it's been so long since I've posted. Last week went by super slow and I really didn't do too much to note, but then this week has been busy, so I haven't been able to update.

Anyways. I've been making a list of exciting/funny things that have happened this week.

1. Monday, I went to the OFII (immigration) office to finalize my long-stay residency permit. In order to do that, we had to fill out tons of forms and then have a medical visit. This visit consisted of them weighing me, checking my height, and taking a chest x-ray. Thank GOODNESS I knew that one was coming, because the doctor called my name, led me into a room, and then in super fast French, just said "Ok, take everything off of your top half and come into the next room." OOF! Anyways, it was actually painless, and the really exciting part is that I got to keep my xray! So I get to take that puppy back with me to the states. I'm sure the jealousy you're feeling right now is rather overwhelming. Calm down.

2. Because they said I was medically okay (and thus not moving to their country just so I can take advantage of their AMAZING health care. but seriously. amazing.), I get to stay in France. Word.

3. Monday afternoon, I picked up Duke (the French-American child that I babysit) from school and hung out with him for a couple hours. And by hung out, I mean that we worked on his English homework, and then played beyblade for over an hour. And I loved it. WHO AM I?

4. Tuesday, I got to skype with my big brother, Stephen. Fun stuff.

5. Today, I got a postcard from said brother. I adore mail, so that was exciting.

6. I kid y'all not, every single one of the teachers I work with (so about 10 people) has said to me "how relieved are you that Obama won?" They just love him. One teacher, when talking about Romney, said "Mormons. Can't drink coffee, tea, or even wine! Doesn't seem like much of a life to me." Made me laugh. But really, what is life without a little bit of vin?

7. I babysit Duke again on Wednesday afternoons, and I have to take him to rugby practice. The last time we went, we took the bikes, but the mom has an automatic (!) car, and she let me drive him to practice. So I got to drive a car for the first time in two months. It was actually exhilarating. It's a straight shot from their house to the rugby fields, and doesn't even take five minutes, so it's not bad. Before I drove it, she asked me if I was used to driving really big cars (her car is an old mercedes station wagon), and I was like, "have no fear - I drive a tahoe in the states." I sure do miss that 'hoe.

8. Yesterday, we went and saw the new James Bond movie. I'd never seen a movie at the theaters in France, and fortunately we had the option to see the English one with French subtitles and not the dubbed one. It was actually incredible. You should go see it.

9. We sang "head, shoulders, knees and toes" today in one of my classes. The kids loved it.

10. One student asked me today in French, "Sarah, are there squirrels in America?" Wait, what?

11. Emily and I were walking around town tonight, and walked to the Grand Place, only to find that they had put up a massive ferris wheel for Christmas. Oh happy day. The streets all have lights up, but they're not lit yet. The Christmas market opens the 21st, so I'm hoping they'll light the streets then. Cannot wait. Noël arrive.

12. Even though I'll be working on Thanksgiving, Sarah (the English teacher I work with and stayed with) suggested that we cook a dinner at her apartment with French friends to celebrate. So excited for that.

Miss y'all.


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