Monday, January 21, 2013

La neige

Hey y'all,

According to the locals, the weather here has been significantly worse than normal. Apparently it isn't supposed to snow this much here. Alas. It snowed about 3 inches last night, and the temperature barely got over freezing today, so it's still covering everything. Here's a shot of the street my school is on. Lots of snow. Fortunately, the metro has been running at it's normal speed/frequency, so I haven't been late to work or anything.

However, this has happened to me three times in the last 5 days. Go ahead. Laugh. (I'm talking to you, RUTH. I know you'll enjoy this).

Here's the temps for the rest of the week.

Once I saw that low of 3 degrees, I realized I had to get a bigger coat. My little army jacket just hasn't been cutting it. So I went and bought a really pretty long red peacoat. Oh yeah, no more shivering for this girl. The magical thing about it is that it was 50% off. Magical. In France, there are two periods where there are huge sales - mid summer and then in January. Apparently, stores aren't allowed to put anything on sale at other times of the year. It's all regulated by the government and it's only during these specific periods. Wowza. The BEST part about it is that the prices get lower as the sale period goes on. My jacket was originally only 30% off, but I guess by now it was dropped to 50%. Holla.

My good friend, Russell, who is getting his master's degree in Paris is coming to visit me this weekend. Cannot wait. Should be a blast.

All my grad school apps are in, so now I've just got to wait about a month and a half, cross my fingers, and start figuring out what I'm doing next summer. Ugh.

I've put it off long enough, and tomorrow I am going to try to run outside in the cold/snow. Godspeed.


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