Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Weekend update

Hey y'all,

So this past weekend, Russell, one of my friends from Wake Forest who is studying in Paris, came to visit me. We had a blast. He and Emily got along really well, and we all just had a really great time together. We didn't do anything super touristy besides walk around a bit (not that there's ton of touristy things to do in little ol' Lille, but that's beside the point.)

Fun things that have happened lately.

1. The weather got above freezing and so within a day, all of the snow had melted. OUAIS. However, since the snow/ice is gone, the rain has recommenced. Womp. But oh well, I think I'd rather that than snow.

2. At the école maternelle where I work for an hour a week, today I was teaching the kids some food words. Only super easy ones (ones that are similar to the French words) - banana, apple, tomato, carrot, orange. The kids LOVED the word banana. They thought it was so fun to say. The French word is banane. Anyways, at the maternelle, I take out 5 groups of 6 for about 10 minutes each and one of my groups, as we were walking back to their class, they started chanting "banana". Oh man. Kids these days.

3. In one of my classes with kids that are 9ish years old, I had taken a group of about 10 out and we were playing Simon Says to work on their feelings - sad, happy, angry, scary, worried, etc. One of the students was being a pain and started doing the gangnam style dance. I don't want to brag, but I am really good at that dance. So when he started doing that, all I wanted to do was join in (and critique him because I'm not going to lie, he wasn't doing it that well). Alas. I had to be an adult, put on my serious David Senter face and tell him to stop. IF THAT'S NOT MATURITY, I DON'T KNOW WHAT IS.

4. Emily and I booked tickets yesterday to go to a beer festival in Bruges, Belgium on Saturday. Oh goodness. Cannot wait.

5. I got a beautiful monogrammed purse for Christmas and wore it out to a bar the other night. I was talking to a Frenchie and he was all like 'oh that's a really pretty purse, what's the symbol on it?' I went on to explain what a monogram is. He responded in all seriousness, "So...does that mean you're a noble?" Apparently, in France, you wouldn't have anything monogrammed with your family letters unless you're a noble. Unfortunately I told him no, although that would've been a fun ruse. Oh well. Next time.


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