Saturday, December 1, 2012

3 weeks

Hey y'all,

So three weeks from today, I will be getting on a plane and heading home for Christmas break. I could not be more excited. It's going to be so nice to be home. I think one of the reasons that I'm so excited to go is that I get to come back to Lille afterwards. I remember when I studied in Paris a couple years ago, I was excited to go home, but I was sad to leave. Now I have the best of both worlds. I get to go spend time at home, soaking up all of the amazing comforts that America has to offer, but then I get to come back here, where life will be waiting for me. Another reason I'm excited to go home - earlier this week I booked my flight to go spend New Year's in New York City with my little sister (and best friend) in Phi Mu! Brittany lives in Connecticut, not too far from the city, so I absolutely cannot wait for that.

Since I haven't updated y'all in about a week, bare with me as I have a bunch of small updates and tidbits.

This was in the French metro newspaper earlier this week. I didn't know they were that attached to Jr.

Loved it. "Son éternel stetson"
I told Emily that my dad had a stetson. She thought it was pretty cool.
Raise up.

I got made fun of for being a vegetarian the other night. When I told someone I was American, for some reason they asked if I ate foie gras. When I said no, they asked me why, and I said I was vegetarian. They thought I was joking. "An American who's a vegetarian? You mean you don't eat huge hamburgers?" Nope. Made me laugh.

I have a mildly hilarious story for y'all.
On Thursday, I wore a really cute green shirt with a bow on the front. After recess, I put my jacket back on, went into class, was standing in front of class, tried to unzip my jacket and realized I had zipped my jacket up over the bow. So I stood up and taught for 30 min with my army jacket on, all the while casually trying to get that darn bow out of the zipper. Zero success. I'm fairly positive I looked like an idiot, but it's ok - I play it off well. So on my way to the next class, I stopped by the teachers lounge where the three janitors were sitting drinking coffee. They're these 3 60-yr old women, so I asked them for help and it took all three of them to get the bow out of my zipper. We tried numerous methods. One tried to pry it off with a knife (that was actually mildly terrifying). She jokingly said "oh I hope I don't stab you and get sent to jail." I didn't laugh. Eventually, we had to cut the bow with a knife, and then lift the jacket over my shoulders. I had to lift up my arms like a little kid as two of them pulled it off, and the other held my shirt down. Needless to say, the bow on the shirt is pretty ruined. but alas, they were able to help me get my jacket off. They said that now I can go back to America and say I was undressed by three French women. Oh the hilarity. While it was an extremely embarrassing ten minutes, I'm so glad they were nice and helped me out. 

The holiday season is in full swing on Rue Alexandre Leleux, mainly thanks to a care package from my mom that included Christmas decorations. Deb sends the best packages. 

Mom even sent a santa for me from home!
(with specific instructions to bring it back)

We put these up over our kitchen sink

Also! Since it's December 1, I was able to start the advent calendar that I bought a few weeks ago. Love it. 

Don't get overexcited. It cost 80 centimes. But still, I like it.

This little piece of chocolate was in it today.

Anyways, I have no plans on tap for today. I might walk around and try to find a Christmas tree. Excuse me, a CHEAP Christmas tree. The cheapest I've seen is 25 euro, and I just don't feel like spending that much money. I'm hoping to find a baby one somewhere. Will obvi keep y'all posted.


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