Friday, December 21, 2012

Jingle Bells

Hey y'all,

Had yesterday not been my final day of work and second to last day before I head home, I would've considered it the most ROTTEN day I've had since being here.

The metro was all messed up in the morning. I normally take one line and switch to another to get to school, but the first line was broken. So I had to walk 20 minutes out of my way in the pouring rain to catch the other line and take that directly to school. Why didn't I have my umbrella, you might ask? Well, I did in fact have my umbrella, but the wind was so uncontrollable that it almost broke that dang parapluie in half. So, I couldn't use it. Womp womp womp.

I finally made it to school, albeit 30 minutes late. I was horribly embarrassed but the teachers told me it wasn't a big deal at all. I mean, if the metro is my only way of getting to work (I don't have a bike nor do I have a car...), and if it's broken, there's really nothing I can do about it. Phew. One of the teachers described it was les joies du transport publique (the joys of public transportation.) Quelles joies.

Anyways, the kids were wild because it was the second to last day of school until break, but oh well.

At my second school in the afternoon, we had the Christmas performance, and it was really fun. Here's a video of one of my classes singing Jingle Bells and O Christmas Tree. Nailed it.

And this one has nothing to do with Christmas. It's a song to help them learn the days of the week and foods.

fyi - they're saying, Monday string beans, tuesday spaghetti, Wednesday soup, Thursdays roast beef, Friday fresh fish, Saturday chicken, Sunday ice cream - It can be hard to tell at times...

Here's an older class singing a song about the days of the week. - It's supposed to be to the tune of the farmer in the dell.

Regardless, I'm heading home tomorrow. Holla.


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