Saturday, May 18, 2013

Allons-y au zooooooo

Hey y'all,

Friday I went to the zoo here in Lille. It's located over where I go running all the time, but I had never actually gone there. I can actually hear the zebras making their noises as well as the monkeys when I'm running. It's pretty wild. Literally, folks.

Fun fact: Zoo in French is pronounced like toe, but with a z.

It's pretty small - it took us a max of 45 minutes to see everything. Regardless, I enjoyed it.

Our first stop were les oiseaux. Goodness, I died. Check out these little nuggets snuggling. Couldn't handle the cuteness. Luvbirds.

Also. This thing? I don't even know. 

I can't even.

Of course I also saw King Julian. Reminded me how much I want to become a professional whistler.

Side note: The zoo was free. How magical is that? 

This is me throwing up the deuces and posing with the rhinoceroses. 

Yeah, you're seeing this correctly. I'm wearing a sweater, scarf and jacket in the middle of May. What kind of sick joke is this? Summer is never going to come. I was watching the news the other day and they said the Lillois would have to wait until at least June for good weather. JUNE?! 

Also, the zebras were cuddling as well. Precious.

Check out this statue at the entrance of the park where I run and where the zoo is. To what does this statue pay homage, you may ask? Get this - it's a statue au pigeon voyageur.

It was built in 1936 and dedicated to the "20,000 carrier pigeons who died for the motherland" during WWI.

I read a writeup on this statue and the woman represents Peace, the pigeons are above her and the snake represents the enemy.

Alas, not much else exciting is going on around here. Just booked my bus tickets to London next Thursday. I'm leaving Lille at midnight on Thursday morning and am arriving in London around 5am. Then I'm leaving London at 11:30 pm (UNLESS YOU KNOW OF ANYONE IN LONDON WHO WILL HOUSE ME FOR A NIGHT!!) and then I'll get back to Lille around 6am Friday. Not much sleep, but I'm really excited to go to London!


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