Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Petite visite à Ghent

Hey y'all,

On Monday, I went on a roadtrip to Ghent, Belgium. I had already been with my parents, but we only spent about two hours there, plus it was rainy and foggy that day. Needless to say, I was excited to go back and explore the city a little more. It was only an hour car ride from Lille, so that was great. I've found that since I ride in a car MAYBE once a month, I get easily car sick now. Hopefully that'll go away once I get back to America.

Anyways, our first stop in Ghent was the belfry. When I went with my parents, we didn't have time to hike up to the top, so I was more than willing to throw down four euros to walk up. I loved it. It was cloudy, but we could still see so much of the city.

I love those orange rooftops.

Here's a picture of the belfry we climbed. 

Fun fact. I just found out that you can climb the belfry here in Lille. I'm all over it. 

Ghent is basically a smaller version of Bruges, Belgium. There are canals running all throughout the city. 

Our final stop was the castle in Ghent. My dad and I were disappointed that we didn't have time when we were in Ghent to go to the castle, so I was glad to get there. It was built in 1180 by the Count of Flanders. It wasn't incredibly overwhelming, but definitely neat to visit. 

Anyways, my roommate Emily has left me for McDonald's, free public restrooms, and Barack Obama (America), but fortunately I've got a long laundry list of things I have to do (accounts to close, trains to book, etc.) and then a list of things I want to do before I leave. First on the second list- LONDON. Cannot wait. If I make it to a Starbucks tomorrow (which let's be honest, I inevitably will...) I will post a picture or two. If not, full details when I get back. 

Cheers, folks. 


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