Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Birthday deets

Hey y'all,

I apologize for not updating too much last week. I only had my phone and the place where we were staying didn't have wifi. Oof.

A little background info. I went to the beach with a French friend and their family - 1 brother (and girlfriend), another brother, sister, mom, dad, grandmother, and dog. I was talking to one of my friends from home and she was like "Sarah, you're seriously assimilating." And I thought to myself, you know what, yeah I am!

Anyways, I could go on for days about how French families are different from American families (or at least my specific American family.)

I'd be lying if I put it any other way - the car ride was miserable. Both ways. Absolutely miserable.

There were three of us stuffed into the backseat of an Audi sedan for approximately 9 hours. UGH.

The place where we stayed was on the beach, so that was nice.

Here's a picture of the beach from the first day.

Sorry for the thumb in the top right corner. I'm embarrassed.

First sunset 

Here's me with their dog. 

She's cute and all, but I prefer this one. 

My Deacon. 

My birthday was filled with lots of rain and cold weather. Womp.

Alas, I got flowers, so that was a plus. 

And a birthday tarte aux fraises. Cannot complain. 

And the whole family sang happy birthday to me. In English. Respect. 

Here's a picture of the pier. Not as impressive as the ones I've seen in NC. First of all, it didn't really go that far out into the ocean and it wasn't very high. 

Can you tell I'm missing the NC beaches a little bit?

Here's the coast lit up one evening. 

Here's the other, much less commercialized side. 


At my birthday dinner, things got a tad out of control. 

And by that I mean, I had salmon in my pasta. Wowza. It was delicious.

Someone else got this one of the other nights. Made me laugh.

The one redeeming factor of the car ride was that the French countryside if gorgeous. Essentially every single little town that you pass has a huge steeple on a cathedral, and it's so pretty to see those spotting the horizon. 

Alas, that was my trip in a nutshell. 


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