Wednesday, October 17, 2012

¿Dónde está la biblioteca?

Hey yall,

So today was exciting because I found la bibliothèque (the library!) and got a library card! I've been dying for some English literature, so I was hoping they would have a big English language section. Unfortunately, that section is pretty weak. I did check out a Mary Higgins Clark book. It was either that or For Whom the Bell Tolls by Ernest not the kind of books I normally read. That being said, I'll probably check that one out next. Beggars can't be choosers. Plus the library card was free, and I ADORE free things. 

Yesterday was my second full day of teaching. Mondays are easy, but Tuesdays and Thursdays I work at both of my schools. It's not that it was hard, it was just long! And I have to constantly be enthusiastic. In one of my classes, they're working on clothing and colors, whereas in another one of my classes, they're working on numbers 1-10. Lots of different levels. 

Funniest part of the day: Someone asked me to pronounce something in English and a student says in French "Oh wow! She speaks English so well!" 

Why thank you.

Took a picture of this on my walk back from the library. It's the Palais des Beaux Arts de Lille - basically an art museum. It's about a 3-5 minute walk from my apartment. 

Right next to it is the metro station that I use to go anywhere. It's pretty neat because you can see down into the station from outside. 

Behind it is another government building. I'll try to take a better picture of that building in the sunlight.

AND I finally went online and looked for pictures/videos from the Brussels half marathon. Here's a video of me finishing. I'm wearing purple and you'll hear Emily yell "woo yeah Sarah!" 

Hope all is well at home.


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