Sunday, October 7, 2012

Great weekend

Hey yall,

This weekend has been phenomenal.

Last night included the parade/spectacle for Lille3000, the exhibition here in Lille. There were tons of people in the main square. It was absolutely packed. The festivities were supposed to start at 8pm, but instead started at 9:30. Unbelievable. AND it started raining. Typical Lille. Of course, I didn't bring my umbrella, so I just had to wrap my scarf around my head. That could be one of the reasons this head cold is forming... Alas. It was a super bizarre parade. This was the main float. So weird.

But seriously. What in the world?

They had some kind of break after the parade and then they were going to have a big dance concert, but we needed sleep, so we left after that. We heard fireworks while we were lying in bed. Pretty bummed we missed them, but I'm more bummed that they kept me awake for another 20 minutes.

And then came Sunday. So I set my alarm for 3:45 this morning. YIKES. Our bus was supposed to leave at 5am, but they said to get there half an hour early. So we left our apartment at 4:15, and made it to the train station where the buses are as well at 4:35. You know, for it for have been that early, there were tons of people out in Lille. I was expecting that walk to be a bit creepy, but there were still tons of people out. I loved it. Although I looked like a moron walking around in athletic pants and tennis shoes with a big backpack on my back. Oh well.

Emily and I were the only ones getting picked up by the bus, so the bus left at 4:40, and we arrived in Brussels at 6am - half an hour early. We metro-ed over to the Parc du Cinquantenaire where the start line was and I got all registered. Since I was registered by 7:05 and we still had over three hours before the half started, we went and chilled at/used a nearby hotel's wifi. No shame. Here's a picture of me in front of the start area while it was still dark. I was exhausted.

Fortunately my adrenaline got to pumping by the time of the start of the race. Emily took a picture of me before the race. It was in the high 30s/low 40s basically until about a mile into the race. Oof. So cold. First race I've ever run in long pants. Much sunnier, as you can see.

The race was pretty good, although it was super hilly. By far the hardest course I've ever run. It was a great time though. The whole race was scenic, although at least half of it was outside of the main area of the city. It was neat though, as we ran through 3-4 underground driving tunnels. I really enjoyed that. There were about 8,000 half marathoners alone, so that was really neat. I felt like any time I looked ahead of me, the course was packed, although I never really felt like it was crowded around me. Definitely a good size.

There was very little crowd support until the last mile of the race. This last mile, the whole road was lined with people cheering. It was super empowering and I loved it all. The only problem was, half the people were yelling in German so I had no clue what they were saying. I obviously appreciated the support though. The race led into the main square, La Grande Place and it was absolutely beautiful. The final chute had us weaving in and out of small cobblestone streets and then poured out into the big open square. It was a great way to finish the race - especially because Emily was miraculously able to spot me and I heard her cheering for me! So nice to have her there with me. Here are images from the square - buildings that greeted me at the finish.

Here's me after the race. I killed the race, running a personal best - over 4 minutes faster than my previous fastest. Holla.

My post-race meal was some delicious spinach lasagna and a Bruges blanche. When in Brussels, you've got to try the beer.

Of course we had gaufres (waffles) for dessert (only after having gone to McDonald's to get wifi so I could inform my parents that I was in fact alive!). Delicious, though. I got nutella and bananas on mine.  That is a look of pure bliss on my face. 

Just look at that. I know your mouth is watering. By far the best post-race snack I have ever had.

I finished my race about 12:45 and we caught our train back to Lille at 4:15. We had a great time just walking around and checking out Brussels. I had been a few years ago, but really enjoyed our time there today. Plus, a one way train ticket is 14 euro, and it only takes 35 minutes. Pretty sure I'll be heading back sometime this year.

I'll definitely treasure this medal and bib for a long time. 

Hope all is well at home.


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