Sunday, October 21, 2012

I'm all about a bon marché

Hey y'all,

Today has been a good day, and it's only 4pm. So much more time for activities.

Emily and I got up today and went to the marché des Wazemmes. This is a huge market only about a ten minute walk from our apartment. I think I've written about it before. It's where we got all of our kitchenware and such. It takes place on Tuesdays, Thursday and Sundays, but Sunday is the biggest and busiest day. They really have absolutely anything. And I mean anything. Random things that you can buy here: whole chickens, panty hose, pots, the koran, scarves, any and every fruit/veggie, makeup, nail polish, cheese, bread, olives, shoes, spices, mattresses, microwaves, and the list goes on and on. It's actually really overwhelming. I even passed one stand selling Werther's Original caramel candies. I thought all the Senters would enjoy seeing this. For all you non-Senters reading this (if you exist), this was one of my granddaddy's favorite candies.

It's a pretty cool market, except that there are tons and tons of people- especially if the weather is nice. Crowds don't freak me out, but sometimes I just can't handle being packed in like a little sardine. It drives me a tad crazy.

Alas, it was worth it today. I hadn't really been planning on getting anything, because I really didn't need much. I've got enough veggies and couscous/pasta/rice to last me at least another 5 days, BUT I was not expecting to stumble upon avocats (avocados). We passed one stand and they were selling 3 for 1.50 euro, which I thought was a fantastic deal. Took a mental note, obviously. Then we passed another stand that said 3 for 1 euro! Started salivating. And then, we hit the mother of all stands and I saw a sign for 4 avocados for 1 euro. Incredible. I walked around a tad more to make sure that was the cheapest I could find, and eventually made my way back there to purchase the avocados. Legitimately made my weekend. A bon marché means a good deal in French and this was the epitome of bons marchés in my book. Here they are.


Like I said a while back - you've got to learn to appreciate the little things in life. 

On a side note: The word en français for avocado is the same as the word for lawyer. So I could tell someone that my dad and brother are avocats, and they might think I'm telling them that my brother and dad are avocados. Oh man. The hilarity. 

Speaking of which. Today is David's 28th (OUCH) birthday! Have a great birthday, you avocado! 


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