Saturday, October 27, 2012

froid froid froid

Hey y'all,

I can't lie. Il fait froid. 

The cold weather has arrived in Lille. Check out the forecast for the next week. I can't believe it's not going to be above 50 degrees. And it's only October.

I'm going to need a bigger coat. 

We bought some roasted chestnuts today while we were out. I'd never had them before, and while we were eating them, I couldn't help but think of that Christmas song about them. It was actually extremely fitting, because Jack Frost was nipping at, no, DEVOURING our toes. 

Anyways, I've had a really relaxing last few days. I'm getting into marathon training mode, so I ran an 11-miler on Friday, but honestly that's really the only productive thing I've done. I got caught in a downpour for the second time while out running. Fortunately, it was in the mid-50s, so I didn't catch hypothermia. Phew. Everyone tells me that it'll start raining more and more as winter comes, so I've got to learn to be a little more prepared for that. I'm mildly terrified. 

Emily and I were out walking around today and all of the sudden we were an extremely loud commotion down the road. Coming down the street was a zombie walk. I'd never seen one of these, but I'd heard about them. With Halloween being in just a few days, hundreds of people dressed up as zombies and had a police escort down the streets of Lille. It was kind of neat, but really bizarre. Some people got really into their costumes and there were some downright terrifying people doing it. A lot of people had face paint and fake blood all over their bodies/clothes. Gross. 

Here are a few pictures, although they don't do it justice. 

If you look close enough - on the left - there's a sign in English that says "Zombies never say YOLO." Touché. 

I feel like as a 22-year old, I should understand the concept of daylight savings time, but I just don't get it. Apparently it's already happened in the States, but tomorrow is France's daylight savings time. Fortunately, since we're falling back, had I forgotten about it, I wouldn't have missed my train to Paris, but at least now I can sleep an extra hour.

My train is at 8:45am and I should be getting to Paris just before 10! I'm really excited to see Bonnie and Russell, and of course I'm thrilled to be back in my favorite city in the world.

À bientôt, folks.


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